Sunday, September 21, 2014

Grandpa's Chili

The hardest part of living in Arizona for me is not the heat, but the lack of seasons. Yes, it cools down in Fall & Winter, but there are no crisp Autumn days surrounded by beautiful trees with leaves in every warm color tone. I MISS MIDWEST FALL!!! I just want a damn crisp Fall day! Since that is not going to happen anytime soon I decided to just pretend it was a cool crisp day...inside by cranking the AC, putting on a sweater and cooking up some chili. 

The only chili I ever had growing up was my Grandpa's Chili. I never met my mom's dad, he passed away while my mom was pregnant with me. I always feel like when I make his chili that I did meet him and it is really special to me. It really is the best chili and my mom may kill me for sharing his secret recipe, but I think the world deserves to have a taste! So here it is world, you're welcome! 

I hope you enjoy as much as my family and I do! 

xo, Jess