Tuesday, September 23, 2014

2 Years A Wifey

Yesterday my Hubby and I celebrated 2 years of marriage! Whoo hoo!

Our first year of marriage was a bit tough on us. I was in a job that made me miserable for most of our 1st year of marriage so there was some tension and stress in our relationship and even more so when I quit and was unemployed for 3 months. We went through a horrible rental home situation, that left us pretty much broke for a few months. But even though we went through a bit of a rough 1st year because of these things, going through them has made our 2nd year of marriage that much better, I started a job that I love and we live in a super awesome rental home that we just adore!

I have had so much fun this 2nd year of marriage and just can’t wait for what is to come in the many, many, many forever more years! I love you hubby, thank you for being my Anchor!


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