Monday, September 15, 2014

DIY Tea Light Makeover

Last Monday AZ was hit with a CRAY CRAY, record breaking rain storm that turned highways into lakes and most stranded inside, like myself, unable to make the commute into work. Since I had this unplanned, unexpected day off, I decided to make the most out of it and have myself a DIY day! 
I noticed that my little clear Ikea tea light holders where looking as dreary as the weather and they were in need of a makeover stat! I already had spray paint at home, I used RUST-OLEUM Satin in Heirloom White and did about 2 coats on top and bottom. I let them dry a few hour and then decorated them using a Sharpie Paint Pen in Gold. Easy-peasy!

I also have been looking for a little ring holder for when I take my wedding ring and bands off and one of these lil cuties was the perfect fit.

It ended up being a nice little cozy craft day despite the weather! 

xo, Jess

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