Sunday, September 28, 2014

A Rainy Day may of not been a Fall day, but it was for sure a gloomy, wild and crazy weather day. It went from a sunshiny day to a hurricane-ish day within seconds. I actually enjoyed the change of scenery (no sunshine for once) until we lost power...for 3 hours. Dang it...cuddling with myself watching a movie was now out of the picture. (side note: my hubby was at a commercial shoot all weekend or I would of cuddled with him) The pups loved playing outside right before the storm hit, and then watching the storm from inside.(side note: Penny loved the rain, thunder and lightening, but Lily was under the bed once it started booming)

Once the power turned on...the sun came hubby came home...we ordered Chinese and had a wonderful Saturday evening! Hope you all had a great weekend! 

xo, Jess

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