Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Sparkle Pumpkins

I have held out long enough, but now that it is October, and the temp as dropped to under 100 I can officially start FALL & HALLOWEEN decorating! This fall I plan to do some legit decorating, because this is the first year that we live in a single family home rather than an apartment complex for the season...and I am so so so excited to get my craft on for it! 

Fall Decorating Phase 1: Pumpkins Sparkle Pumpkins
I usually do some sort of Sparkle Pumpkins around this time of year, and this year I am starting with some small ones for indoor, but plan on doing some larger ones for the front porch area. 

In the past I have used loose glitter to decorate the small pumpkins, but that gets real messy, even for this glitter lover...I draw the line when it is all up in my throat and eyeballs. This year...sequins! I initially started out hot gluing the sequins on, but that did not work well with the pumpkins waxy surface, so I quickly switched to Elmer's Craft Bond clear dual tip glue pen, which worked great.

I had picked up some roses from Trader Joe's and arranged them into clear vases, added the pumps and a couple gourds and wha lah...sparkly fall centerpiece. Oooohh how I love fall! 

And if you want to add a Halloween-y touch, throw in some skulls...or spiders...or zombie eyeballs....or blood sucking vamp fangs....what ever tickles your halloweeny! 

Happy October & decorating to all! 

xo, Jess

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