Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Easy DIY Wreath Makeover

Finally, the temps have changed and we have officially started Fall here in Phoenix, and it is heaven! I just love the cool, crisp days and snuggly nights. I really love this time of year especially with the holidays coming up it is really just my favorite of times. 

With the temperature change also comes my decor change, since it is no longer Halloween it was time to give the Skull Wreath a Fall Makeover! 

It was a pretty easy project. I took all the Halloween goodies off the wreath and spray painted it Ivory. I actually have a lot of decor odd's and ends hanging around so I just went trough my craft closet and pulled some stuff out that I have used to decorate in previous years. 

After I gathered the goods, I brought out the big guns AKA my hot glue gun and got my makeover on! I actually ended up leaving off a few of the gathered goods and went with all gold and found some old ornaments that worked perfect in place of the pine cones.

I was at first worried about the contrast between the yellow door and an all gold wreath, being since there really was none, but I actually ended up loving it. I think it is nice and subtle, but elegant at the same time. 

 Any fun Fall decorations you have done this season?

xo, Jess

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